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Designing and developing such enterprise applications with high level of automation means satisfying hundreds or thousands of separate requirements. What’s more, every development decision you make to satisfy each requirement affects many other requirements, often in ways that are difficult to understand or predict and the failure to meet any of these requirements can mean the failure of the entire project. The Enterprise Application Model introduced here "Ewise" gives you a way to look at the enterprise application "whole cloth," to bring some order out of this complexity. It organizes an application’s requirements into a small set of distinct but interdependent categories, and shows how each requirement interacts with the others.

  • Management Reports & Dashboards
  • Portfolio Management & Analytics
  • Productivity Reports
  • Financial Reports
  • Other additional operational reports
  • Corporate HR Dashboards
  • Brokers Dashboards
  • Insurance Company – Dashboards & Analytics

Technology expert people analysis

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401-402, Sumer Plaza, Marol Maroshi Road,
Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400059

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022-6644 4600

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